Data & Analytics
Empower your game with data-driven decisions.
KPI Reporting
Measure and analyze the player experience within the game software across various timescales
Flash reports of CCU, DAU, 30-day retention, daily player summaries, and more
Compare trends over time
Realtime Telemetry
Live data feed directly from the heart of your game, offering unparalleled insights into players' experiences within the game and operational performance metrics
Monitor game modes, wait times, and operational metrics
Immediately identify opportunities for improvement
Gain a granular view of KPIs that empower you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies
Insights by region and queue
Enhance player experiences with real-time data
Audit & Game Logs
Pull game server logs, core dump files, and various other game server files on a player or match level
Resolve issues with detailed match or player data
General Event Tracking System (GETS)
A proprietary data pipeline infrastructure that allows developers to store custom event data speciifc to their game for further analysis
GETS collects general in-game event data from various sources, such as the game client, game instance, and backend.